Deepika Padukone is an Indian supermodel turned actress who appears in Bollywood movies. Deepika Padukone is daughter of former World badminton Champion Prakash Padukone and mother Ujjala Padukone, Deepika grew up into a sultry model with dreams in her eyes to make it big in showbiz industry. Though she played badminton during her school days and reached to the level of a State player, she did not take her game to the national level as she had set her sights on the glamorous world of showbiz.
The Festival of Saraswati Puja / Goddess Saraswati
Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, Music and the Arts. Saraswati has been identified with the Vedic Saraswati River. She is considered as consort of Brahma, the Hindu god of creation. Thus, with the goddesses Lakshmi and Parvati or Durga, she forms the Tridevi, who are consorts of the male trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, respectively. Saraswati's children are the Vedas, which are the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism.
Goddess Saraswati,
Saraswati Puja
Dev D Movie Wallpaper
Dev D is a modern take on the famous Devdas Movie. The official website of the movie talks about a character named Leni who is a spoilt brat school girl with hyperactive hormones. During this tenure she encounters Chunni, who is a pimp. Leni is a college student by day and becomes Chanda, a high profile escort by night. Driven by coke and cash in her hands she now lives life on her terms and conditions.
Dev D Movie,
Preeta Rao stunningly beautiful Indian Model
Preeta Rao is a stunningly beautiful Indian Model. Preeta hails form the Chitrapur Saraswat Bhramin Community . Her roots can be traced to Mangalore. Preeta Rao is the beautiful sister of Bollywood Star Amrita Rao. Interestingly Preeta turned a Vegetarian in school along with her sister Amrita.
Preeta Rao
Vedita Pratap Singh with Stars In Her cute Eyes
Vedita Pratap Singh, 23 of Channel V’s India’s Hottest fame has found her calling in Bollywood. After a successful stint in Simplly Sapne, she has now signed her dream role in Manoj Agarwal’s yet-to-be titled film.
Vedita Pratap Singh
Bollywood Hot babe Riya Sen latest Sexy pictures
Bollywood Hot babe Riya Sen latest supper hot pictures, Riya Sen is an Indian film actress and model. Riya, who hails from a family of actors including her grandmother Suchitra Sen, mother Moon Moon Sen and sister Raima Sen, began her acting career in 1991 as a child artiste in the film Vishkanya.
Isabella Kaif Unseen Hot Pictures
Here are pics of Katrina's sister Isabella Kaif. I've heard Katrina's launching her.. helping her to get offers in Bollywood and modeling..she's only 16 years old. Her cute..but i think Katrina is better than Isabella.
Isabella Kaif
Bengali Actress Swastika Mukherjee Unseen Hot Image
Swastika Mukherjee, the daughter of veteran actor Shantu Mukherjee is hailed as Tollywood's new hope.The supremely elegant'n'beautiful actress is looking forth to set the world-affair with new projects that are under production.
Bengali Actress,
Swastika Mukherjee,